Our Services
How Missouri SHIP can help
Missouri SHIP can help you navigate Medicare. Our trained Medicare counselors can answer your questions, help you enroll in Medicare, help you check for savings, and more. Rest assured that all of our services are:
confidential Free Unbiased
We never share your information, and we don’t sell anything!
How can Missouri SHIP help me?
Missouri SHIP’s trained Medicare counselors can answer questions about:
Our trained Medicare counselors can also help you:
Are you feeling overwhelmed? Not sure where to start?
We can help with that too!
How can I get help?
You can get help in one of 3 ways:
Option 1:
Our friendly Contact Center staff will take your name and question. A Missouri SHIP counselor will call you back within days to schedule an appointment or answer your questions.
The helpline is open from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., Monday through Friday, excluding federal holidays.
Option 2: Online Form
Leave your information using this form 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. This will send a message directly to our Contact Center staff.
The message will work like a phone call, and a Missouri SHIP counselor will call you back.
Option 3: Events
Missouri SHIP frequently takes part in events all across Missouri. To see if we will be in your area soon, visit our community events calendar!
What will happen when the counselor calls?
When the Missouri SHIP counselor calls, they will let you know who they are and mention Missouri SHIP. They will ask you to tell them more about your questions and/or concerns. Sometimes they can answer your question during the first call. Other times they must do more research, schedule a callback, or meet with you in person.
Remember: a Missouri SHIP counselor will NEVER call you unless you ask us for help!
If you’re not sure if the person contacting you is a Missouri SHIP counselor, you can hang up and call our Contact Center at 1-800-390-3330. The Contact Center staff will be able to check if a counselor called you.